Pantry Mama Sourdough Discard Sandwich loaf

About a month ago, I ordered sourdough starter from Amazon. I started it, fed it, etc. I made waffles from the discard, and Jerry said they were the best he's ever tasted. I made bread. Dense, chewy, but (minimally) edible. I continued to feed, discard, etc. I made waffles again. Again delicious. I made bread again. Again dense, but (maybe) better(?) Today I tried the Pantry Mama discard sandwich bread recipe. I made several mistakes. I added honey. It was an amazingly soft dough. It rose so much that it overflowed the pans onto the baking stone while rising, and then when I removed them to clean up the mess, they fell. So I punched them down and let them rise a third time. Apparently, they're OK - they taste good.