Celtic tatted aquas 5.5

Finally finished one! - Changed my mind about colors halfway through the first (not enough contrast), then missed a Celtic chain in the last round and didn't notice until nearly done! Anyway, what a lovely pattern! I had to review some videos on SCMR, but got there once I could picture how it worked in my mind. Should I stiffen these? I wet mine and left it to dry, and it seems quite nice as is. pattern by Debbie Arnold (Etsy) https://www.etsy.com/listing/949540578/tatting-pattern-intertwining-chain-doily?click_key=b139ceb38d64c32da5c9c0beb72551a167c1bad0%3A949540578&click_sum=d9e99033&ref=search_recently_viewed-1&sts=1