My son and his family are staying with us while they empty, move, and clean their over-100-yrs-old house. We have helped, and it has sold. Both my son and his wife are do-ers. They see something that needs done, and they fix it. My husband and I are more of the wait-and-see, contemplate-options, don't-rush-anything sort. This morning, for example, my son was blowing leaves and dust out of the garage and off the driveway and patio. No one asked him to. I don't like to do that because of my allergies, and Jer moves more slowly these days. Yesterday we reorganized my sewing room. It all started with a tv. There was an old tv in my sewing room, but we had cancelled DirectTv, and it couldn't receive anything. I said they could move it into the other room to connect their game console for the kids. So they moved the console it was sitting on, which, by the way, had a bunch of VCR tapes. (We no longer have a VCR player.) Anyway, so there was a gap along the wall. So my son sugges...