Delectable Dog Sled

The fabric is blues, with a dog sled team racing across delectable mountains. Pattern is Delectable Dog Sled by Lisa Moore of Quilts with a Twist!.
But. of course, I had trouble following the directions - my problem, not theirs. It seems that I cut and sewed 16 triangles wrong. There were supposed to be 16 rectangles in mirror images, 8 and 8. I made 16 things that turned out not to be rectangles, and all the same. Now, I was heartbroken. The fabric was $11.00 a yard, and I just did all my fabric wrong.
But, rather than my usual screaming, throwing things, and never touching the fabric again, I decided that batiks look pretty much the same on both sides, and so just turned half of the fabrics upside down. I finished the top, 19x57 inches, yesterday, and machine quilted and bound it today. It needs more quilting, though. I had to wash off ink spots that I spilled on it - again, long story.
Sorry the picture is sideways...
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