knitting fate
I finished a pair for me - using Tofutsies Power Stripes.
The tofutsies is partly made from chitin from shrimp and crab shells!
also partly soysilk!
My guild, Fiber Folks of SW MO, had a challenge where you had to (randomly, blindly) pick 3 crayons, and then complete a project (knit, woven, spun, whatever) using those 3 colors. When I picked my crayons, these socks were in my hands, on my needles at the time. Fate?
with KnitPicks Stroll Fingering in Forest Heather (green).
Both are (will be) beautiful.

The Therapi is partly made from Jade!
Both Tofutsies and Therapy are soft, normal-feeling 50% wool.
Have any of you used strange fibers?
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