
Showing posts from 2024

4 more hats

cleaning up leftover sock yarn  

Bonnie Hunter, You got me again!

 I have done several Bonnie Hunter Quiltville mysteries over the years: Easy Street, Celtic Solstice, En Provence. I bought a few fat quarters for variety, but mostly had all the fabric I needed for them. I started Rhododendron Way, and still have several Blocks of tiny burgundy triangles with white backgrounds. But I didn't like the pink parts and the tiny aqua strips, so I never finished that one. I could, or I could change the colors, but I haven't yet. Last year, Indigo Way grabbed me - I had lots of those colors, and finished the entire mystery with just the scraps I had on hand This year's mystery, Old Town, the color combination puzzled me. I wasn't sure about the coral/peach and aqua with the bright red, but I had some coral and some aqua, and lots of red, so... But, then she asked us to make 4-patches that will end up only 2" square in the quilt, and I think that's too small for me. I have already got some parts done, so I'll get all the steps, but...

More Children's Center quilt tops and backs

 Cleaning up and reorganizing fabric has its benefits: first, a navy skirt that I had never worn, and a Supermario panel became pinwheels with a red-bordered back Then a pile of odd 5 1/2" squares needed a couple added to make this (with a dusty pink floral back): Then a pile of peach tri-strips just weren't enough, but I found some pieces to add. These also ended up a strange size, since the lightest peach strips were NOT, in fact, 2 1/2". So the squares were 6 1/4" - which I trimmed to 6" before cutting more pieces.  

Played yarn chicken and lost

 Gothic Lace Doily by Elizabeth Ann White  There is only one row remaining to do, and have about 12" of thread left. But I think it looks fine just as it is.  It was not lying flat until I wet-blocked it. Super easy to do - finished it in 2 days


 My son and his family are staying with us while they empty, move, and clean their over-100-yrs-old house. We have helped, and it has sold. Both my son and his wife are do-ers. They see something that needs done, and they fix it. My husband and I are more of the wait-and-see, contemplate-options, don't-rush-anything sort. This morning, for example, my son was blowing leaves and dust out of the garage and off the driveway and patio. No one asked him to. I don't like to do that because of my allergies, and Jer moves more slowly these days. Yesterday we reorganized my sewing room. It all started with a tv. There was an old tv in my sewing room, but we had cancelled DirectTv, and it couldn't receive anything. I said they could move it into the other room to connect their game console for the kids. So they moved the console it was sitting on, which, by the way, had a bunch of VCR tapes. (We no longer have a VCR player.) Anyway, so there was a gap along the wall. So my son sugges...

for my daughter-in-law


gray and blue

Silly Socks and Hawthorne  

the real walrus socks

  The walrus label should have been with this gray stripe yarn - Knit Picks Stroll fingering. The speckle is Knit Picks Hawthorne.

red and pink

Knit Picks Hawthorne fingering for my sister

walrus/not walrus

socks made for my sister-in-law  I had the label with these socks, and assumed - well, if you do an online search, the true walrus colorway stripes are much closer together, and don't include that lighter gray. So these are NOT walrus socks, after all. Insert chagrinned smiley face.

sewing adventures to date

I have four go-to patterns that I use all the time. TNT, if you will. I love the fit, and have adjusted the shape over years to my shape- pants,underwear, tee-shirts, and a woven shirt with forward yoke, gathers instead of darts, and a convertible collar. I was wanting a pattern for some raw silk (silk noil) woven shirts that reproduced some I had in 1995- a more traditonal shirt with a standard collar. I preferred no darts, but as I wear size 38 triple D bras, I pretty much must have a dart.  Last month, I dug out some old patterns that I had bought (on sale, of course) and never used. I made a top in a pattern specifically designed for plus sizes. Hated it. Into the goodwill bag. Last week, I tried an old pattern that I had made at least twice before, but never wore much. I thought it might have been the fabric choice. Tried a more flowy rayon challis. Hated it ! Hated the fit, the fabric, the color... Binned it, both the top and the pattern.  Although I still have at least ...

Soft Stroll for Bev


Speckle for Lynnette


Hot socks for Denise

I have been knitting socks for my sisters!

Spring yellow


3 little birds

finished Mar 22, 2024 - The finished photo is taken in evening regular room lighting. Previous photos with an OTT light. Kit ordered from Temu received Feb 16 2024 gridded (minimally) with 3-pound-test line (first time gridding with fishing line) (I think I like it) Started the same day edited to add that I still haven't framed or mounted it...

Only 2 more (long) seams

Update - Weds Feb 7th - top finished and trimmed Bonnie Hunter's 2023 Mystery - 8 rows done out of 11

Cardinal Joy

Received kit approx Dec 17th floss braided, fabric gridded Dec 17th