a new cat

 So, long story long... 
I never look at the local Dog Pound FB page. But somehow, one of my friends reposted a few pictures of Gray man. I've wanted cat since my old lady cat got hit by a car, but I didn't want a kitten. I talked to Jerry, called the pound. They don't do cats, but post pictures to help people out. They gave me a number. I called.  

It seems that this cat lived mostly outside with 4 other cats and at least one dog. His owner died. That person's son re-homed the others, and Grayman was left, alone, outside an empty house, and was fed twice a day. The son offered to get him neutered and vaccinated, and we picked up the cat from the vet. 

As soon as he came out of the crate, he slunk downstairs, and then UNDER the stairs. He didn't come out for 30 hours. During that time, I took him some food, and he ate. The second time I took him food, He came to the laundry room, and actually let me touch him for a second. Now I have his food upstairs, and he slinks up to eat. After he eats, he lets me pet him a little(baby steps). 

He is definitely afraid of Pug. He is a nearly silent cat. He didn't yowl in the car, and he has only barely meowed twice for me. He does kind of grumble while he is eating. 

He is severely overweight - 15 pounds! LOOK AT THOSE CHIPMUNK CHEEKS! 

​sad note : After two weeks, the first time I let him outside - he never came back.​


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